Monday, January 19, 2009

Week 27...farewell second trimester!

We're back!  We apologize that it's been a good 9 weeks since we last posted...hope this'll make up for the lack of blogging the past couple of months!  Most of you  (if not just about ALL of you!) know by now that we are indeed having a baby Maya!  Shauna's intuition was right on, along with the majority of you voters out there...those who voted correctly win a free egg roll!  Just send a self-addressed stamped envelope and await your good fortune!  This is Maya's most recent glamour shot...for those of you who aren't yet fluent in sonogramese, this is Maya's head.  She is looking at the camera, and flaunting her beautiful smile!  By the looks of it, Maya has Shauna's chin, Matt's eyes, and a really scary nose, but that's because the sonogram cannot accurately depict cartilage...phew!  

We continue to be lucky, healthy, and happy as the pregnancy nears its final trimester.  All the doctor's visits have gone smoothly so far, and our luck was turned in an unexpected direction when Matt's hospital changed insurance carriers this month.  We now have a wonderful doctor in New Jersey, and will be delivering here in NJ, as well.  This means no more delivering a baby in the Lincoln Tunnel, and no more sneezing due to CATS IN THE WAITING ROOM OF MY DOCTOR'S OFFICE!  Maya is a well-oiled kicking machine.  Most recently, she kicked Matt in the ear after we read that if he put his ear to my stomach he might be able to hear the heartbeat.  We haven't tried again since.  Seeing our family at Christmas was also amazing, as it made Maya all the more human to us (probably since she got more presents than we did!).  The past weeks really made us realize that we are bringing Maya into a wonderful family, and a day doesn't pass that we aren't thankful for the life that we have, and the life we are about to experience.    

Wishing you all a wonderful start to 2009!  Our New Year's Resolution?  Update the blog again before Maya is born!!

Matt and Shauna  

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Week 18: Kick-Punch!

Hello and welcome to week 18 in weewillyville! So much has happened over the past couple of weeks, but before we dive in, a little info about the pictures...first, we'd like to introduce you to the main attraction, the not-so-cute, but oh-so-brimming with potential...Baby M!!!!  This is one of the ultrasound pictures from week 12 that we just now got around to posting online.  We have a boy and a girl name picked out, and they both happen to begin with the letter 'M'...hence the nickname: Baby M.  In the second picture, you can see that Shauna is looking more parabolic this week (vocabulary word brought to you by the physicist of the house, NOT the preschool teacher!).  We'll give you a minute to go look that one up.  

The excitement of the past two weeks began when Baby M voted in its first presidential election.  We're not going to get political here, but let's just say it already knows how to pick a winner!  A few days later, weird pops and flutters started taking over Shauna's abdomen every so often.  We weren't really sure if it was a baby or an egg roll, but after a good week and a half of these, we can rightfully say that the baby is abusive.  Maybe it doesn't like egg rolls, or maybe it just wants more!  We'll have to experiment to find out (note the increased egg roll count to the right).  Really, though, it is an absolutely wonderful experience to be kicked by a fetus...we couldn't be happier!  This past Thursday, we were able to hear the heartbeat again, steady at 150.  According to old wives tales, this makes it a girl.  We'll find out soon enough...the big anatomy ultrasound is scheduled for Dec. 4!  Hopefully Baby M will cooperate. Until next time, Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wee Willy Week 15

Well, we certainly haven't been as frequent in our postings as was originally intended, but here it #2!  And yes, we have also included the first belly shot for all of you doubters out there! Oh, and for all the ladies that keep asking for one, too!  The baby is currently the size of a naval orange, which means it is approximately 4 inches long!  Shauna hasn't felt any kicks yet, but they say it could happen at any time.  We know the baby is EXTREMELY active though, because every person who tries to find the heartbeat or do an ultrasound comments on how much our baby is moving around!  Good...we'd much rather have a busy bee than a dud!  Everything seems to be going very well in the pregnancy so far, and we feel so very lucky that this little creature is priming itself for taking over our lives soon!  Morning sickness and weird cravings have completely passed, but the love of Chinese food lives on...Matt's currently worried that Shauna will want to name the baby General Tso if it's a boy.  We ARE finding out if it is a boy or girl, and will be scheduling that visit for the 1st or 2nd week of December...stay tuned!  In the meantime, don't forget to vote in our poll to see if more people think we'll have a boy or a girl. Oh, the suspense : ) 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Welcome to the Wee Willy Winburn Blogspot!

Welcome family and friends to the Wild Adventures of Wee Willy Winburn!  Since most of you near and dear to us are anything but near, we figured a blog was a good way to keep everyone updated with our baby-growing progress...and beyond!  It's both of our first time in the world of blogging, so stick with us as we learn the ropes.  As we write this, our Wee One is 10 weeks and 2 days old. Websites tell us that it is the size of a prune or a kumquat...we're just glad it's finally over an inch long now!  We've seen the heartbeat, been told it's nice and strong, and are both already making guesses and predictions about whether "It" will be a Wee Willy or a Wee Willamina (dear lord, no, these are NOT our name choices!!!).  

The current baby dream tally is: 
Matt: 2 baby boy dreams, no baby girl dreams
Shauna: 1 baby boy dream, no baby girl dreams...yet somehow, Shauna really thinks it's a girl.

Here's a sum-up of what pregnancy has been like thus far:
Matt: "What do you feel like eating?"
Shauna: "Egg rolls."

Matt: "What do you feel like eating?"
Shauna: "Egg rolls."

Matt...well, you get the picture.  He is pretty sure that I'm 1/2 Chinese.

Other than egg rolls, morning cravings have been the awful/wonderful bagel with butter from 7/11 (Really!?  In the land of "The Best Bagels in the World"?!), and dinner cravings have leaned towards the vegetarian side for the most part.  Meat must be masked!  I'm not looking pregnant yet, but I can't wait until I do as this will help me secure a much-coveted seat on the 6 train each afternoon!  When I start to show, we'll add pictures of the expanding creature that once was my stomach to the blog, but for now, "move along, there's nothing to see here, folks!"